we were not married. I%26#039;m told a voluntary repo would be best.
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
taking it from her may bring legal troubles. I would take her to court, if she is behind, and you want the car, then the judge may order the car back to you. If you are the primary though, you have just as much right to that car as she does. So you may be able to get the car, I would call the police, explain this to them, and see if they will go with you, to advoid any trouble that may come out of this, good luck.
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
If you are the primary on the loan and she is not paying for it, GO GET IT. There is no such thing as a voluntary repo, a repo is a repo so don%26#039;t let anyone feed you that line. I have went through this very same thing and eventually they (finance co.) will come and get it and it will default to your name. I would talk to her if thats possible, and then bring your supporting documents to the police and explain it so there is no domestic trouble. Bottom line, if you are on the loan, you are on the hook. Hope that works out for you.
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
Probably not. This is why you don%26#039;t %26quot;help%26quot; people get car loans when they can%26#039;t get one themselves, sorry to say. When they flake out, it%26#039;s gonna mess up your credit. I%26#039;d take her to small claims court.
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
Every state has different laws. Also free legal aid (remember, you get what you pay for). I%26#039;d check and see what the laws in your state are before taking any action. You want to avoid incurring anymore costs.
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
Not only can you take it, you%26#039;d better take it %26amp; catch up the payments. Then either pay it off or sell it %26amp; settle the difference with the finance company. I am sorry you had to learn this lesson the hard way.
Proverbs 17:18 states that someone who cosigns %26quot;signs surety%26quot; for another is %26quot;lacking in understanding%26quot; (aka stupid).
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
you contact the creditor, advise them that you wish to take control of the vehicle, to either sell and pay off the loan, or turn it over to them. They will write you a legal letter stating that you have a vested interest in the vehicle, and what your intentions are. It is perfectly legal and she will have no recourse. Good luck. YOU MUST CONTACT THE LENDER FIRST !!!
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
I was in a similiar situation as this in Arkansas. Don%26#039;t know what the laws are in other states. I was informed that a primary signer has most of the rights. Technically you are the responsible party of the vehicle(on contract). You can take the car from her if you have been paying the monthly note. You have to prove on paper that you have been making the payments. If she%26#039;s been paying the monthly note than she has the rights to the car. Being that she%26#039;s behind on payments this would be more in your favor to take over payments. Thats if you%26#039;re wanting to keep the car. If you don%26#039;t want the car you could always voluntarily surrender it. Of course if nothing is done as far as payments go...the lender will repo the vehicle. This will take a hard hit on both your credit! This is definitely something that will have to be handled in court. That is if an agreement can%26#039;t be made between the two of you. Good luck.
I amprimary on car loan with x on loan ,her name is on title Can I take car from her she is 2 payments behind?
You can NOT go take that car from her if her name is soley on the title. If you are on the title, go get it. But, if only her name appears on the title, she can report it stolen. This is regardless of who appears first or second on the financing contract. If you are not on the title, make the payments, and take her to court to get the car.
Do not repo the car, your credit will be absolutely destroyed for many years to come.
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