I purchased a condo last year with my ex-boyfriend (who I was dating at the time). Since our breakup, he%26#039;s done nothing to take care of the property, and I%26#039;m sick %26amp; tired of it. The condo is being rented out, but I%26#039;ve been doing all the work (taking care of problems, paying mortgage etc etc). All I want to do is get him off of the title so I don%26#039;t have to deal with him anymore. We split the down payment at the beginning, but I am the sole carrier of the loan, and we are both on the title. I would really appreciate any legal advice on the best, cleanest way to get him off the title without too much complication. Thanks.
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
If he wants off the deed he can sign a quit claim deed to give up his rights to his half of your property.
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
Ask Bill Handle here: http://www.handelonthelaw.com/RadioQuest...
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
A Quit Claim Deed will remove him and is the cheapest and easiest way. Contact the title company where you signed your loan documents.They would be fully aware of your vesting status as well. It can cost between $ 50-100 depending on your need.
Since he paid half of the down payment your looking at a fight. His interest in the property is that portion of the down payment. If he wont sign the deed to remove his name, you will most likely need to buy him out. Do you have that amount of money just in case it came to that?
I am not a lawyer, but a residential mortgage closer. I have been one for 6 years. I have seen it all, you would be shocked at the tales I could tell you. It may get ugly, be prepared to contact a real estate lawyer. Consultations are usually free. If you had a lawyer at your signing of the purchase for your condo contact that lawyer if you still have contact with him/her. I really hope everything goes smoothly for you. Good Luck!
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
OK you will need to do a quit claim if he does NOT want to much money and you can pay him out of your pocket. But if you can not you can refinance in your name only and buy him out if you have enough equity in the property. But I would do the quit claim first it is the easy and you can do this yourself with needed a counsel. Go to the court house get the forms from the deed of mortgages, get a notary to wish the signatures and you can have it recorded yourself. That is the least expense way legally but the fact of the matter is if he wants you to buy him out come to a figure you can pay out of pocket. If NOT you are looking at a refinance. With the market you will need to pray you home will appraise well.
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
that person has to sign a quit claim.
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
You need an attorney to help you. He needs to sign a %26quot;quit claim deed%26quot;, and I%26#039;m sure he will want money for that. You could try to get him to sign one on your own, but good luck.
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
He%26#039;s got to agree to get off the title. A Quit Claim deed from him giving his portion of the property to you will get you what you want.
How do I remove someone from the title of my home?
This is the reason you don%26#039;t buy real estate unless you are married. Love comes and goes, but real estate lasts forever.
You need to get him to agree to give up his ownership. However, I don%26#039;t see any reason why. He owns 1/2, but doesn%26#039;t owe anything on the mortgage. He is in a win/win.
Plus, I%26#039;m sure he will want his 1/2 back from the downpayment - even if the value has dropped.
I would see what the property is worth today and see if you can buy him out.
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